Philosophy and Philosophy of Education Writings of
Richard Garlikov
The essays, booklets, and books listed here are all online free, so that those who cannot afford them can still have access to them, and so that no one has to pay before they read something that might not be what they really are seeking.  But if you read something here that you find meaningful and helpful and would like to contribute whatever easily affordable amount you feel it is worth, I will appreciate it. The button to the right will take you to PayPal where you can securely make any size donation you wish, using either your PayPal account or a credit card without a PayPal account.
Philosophical Writings:

Booklet: An Introduction to Ethics 

Booklet: The Abortion Debate 

Book: The Meaning of Love 

Book: Ethical and Philosophical Foundations of Economics

Fighting for the Higher Self

To Save Others, Health Care Providers Must Save Themselves Too: It Is Time for Moral Triage in Medicine

Reasoning: What It Is To Be Rational 

What Makes Something Worth Doing?

Commentary on Sarah Wildman's Essay about Her Daughter Orli's End of Life Medical Care

Simplistic Moral Reasoning

A Follow-up to Anne Applebaum's "History Will Judge the Complicity: Why have Republican leaders abandoned their principles in support of an immoral and dangerous president?"

An Anomaly of the Logic of Age Ratios

Religion, Morality, Secular Ideals, and Ethics Education

Fairness as Moral and Conceptual Relevance

The Intersection of Ethics and Economics

Pandemics and Economics

Underlying Ethics of Economic Inequality and the 2013 U.S. Government Shutdown

Commentary on N. Gregory Mankiw's "Defending the One Percent"

Discrimination As a Sign of More General Wrongdoing

A Perfect Example of Considering General Wrongdoing or a General Problem to Be Discrimination
Constitutional Admissions (and Hiring) Policies to Replace Affirmative Action


Words, Pictures, Logic, Ethics, and Not Being God

Examples of a Common Kind of Fallacy in the Social Sciences (Material Added 6/3/2017)

A "Close Reading" (Critique) of Arthur C. Brooks "Your Professional Decline is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think"

The Electoral College, Fairness, and Sports

The Left-Right Divide in America and the Problem of Voting for People Instead of Ideas

The Logic and Fairness/Unfairness of Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering and the Courts

Deriving Moral Principles from Our Ethical Intuitions

Guilt and Forgiveness 

Justification of Punishment 

Undeserved Good and Deserved Harm: A Problem With My "Justification of Punishment"

Ethics Distinctions for the Derek Chauvin Trial

The Value of Labor and the Myth of Sisyphus 

Disrespect and Disproportionate Retaliation

Appropriate/Inappropriate Touching: The Ethics of the Joe Biden Kiss of the Back of Lucy Flores' Head

A Response to the Idea of Moral Resilience as a Remedy for Moral Distress

A Road to Redemption for Senator Katie Britt

Artificial and Human Unintelligence: Cases of YouTube and Blue Cross

Commentary on the book of Job

God and Evil

Some Thoughts About How Machines Could Think

Follow Up to "Some Thoughts About How Machines Could Think"  (New Material Added 2/23/2018)

Difficult Left-Turn Errors for Driverless Cars to Try to Avoid

Artificial Intelligence

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Neural Engineering of Human IQ and Talent

The Concept of "Tolerance"

The Concept of Intimacy

How Can Physical Touch Be Related to Emotional Affection (As It Can Be, and Often Is)?

Sex and Using People

Understanding Each Other (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

False Cause, Misdiagnosis, and the Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

The Concept of "Racial Profiling" 

Marriage, Civil Union, and "Same-sex Marriage"

The Concept of Universal Health Insurance (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

The Essential Goal of Medicine and the Moral Role of the Physician in Regard to Euthanasia

The Concept of the Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Determining, Declining, and Terminating Medical Treatments

Active Vs Passive Euthanasia: Moral Equivalence or Not?  Philippa Foot Vs James Rachels

The Flaw of Legalism in Society and Education (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Obeying and Breaking Laws, Rules, and Agreements

Abandoning the Public Pursuit of Personal Excellence

The Definition of Death

Misguiding Values

Requiring COVID Vaccinations

The Slippery Slope Argument 

Some Jewish Beliefs as Found in Jewish Prayers

Scientific Confirmation

The Debate Between Evolution and Intelligent Design  

Evolution and the Myth of (the Significance of) the Male Orgasm

The Myth About "Myths About Passion In the Bedroom"

Sexual Objectification and the Moment When Marriage Becomes "Incest"

"Realistic" Sex Education Programs (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Protections For Disobeying Bad Laws?

Morality and Law 

Business Ethics and BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Group Loyalty and Being a Good Person

Serving and Promoting Higher Purpose

Constitutional Safeguards For Majority Rule

A Close Reading and Response to Senator Tom Cotton's Speech/Article About Immigration

2016 Conservatism

Ethics Laws for Government Officials (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Democracy, Religion, and Moral Leadership (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Diminished Logic and Civility of Public Discourse

The Need for Protection Against Governmental and
Commercial Callous Indifference and Unreasonableness

The Proper Role of  Judges: Compatible with Compassion? (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Requiring Judicial Recusal from Presiding Over Cases Involving Election Contributors (Word doc)  (HTML Webpage)

Copyright in the Digital Age

The Opportunity and Peril of
Constitutional Reform in Alabama

Reforming Alabama's 1901 Constitution

Itches Without Scratches

Follow Up to "Itches Without Scratches"

Legitimately Lying

Justifiable Adultery

Pain and Pleasure, And Their Perception

A Philosophy of Photography 

A Perspective on the Ethics of Clinical Medical
Research on Human Subjects (Word doc)
(HTML Webpage)

Fair Economic Trade Across Generations

Fair Pay Over Time and Reparations

A Proposed Model for Overcoming the 2008 Financial “Meltdown”

When Economic Process Displaces Purpose

My Interpretation and Analysis of Kant's Ideas About Ethics

Qualitative Quantitative Debate in Social Science

A Philosophy of Science Logic Problem

Judge Roy Moore's Error and Controversy
(Alabama Courthouse and the Ten Commandments)
However, even though Moore is wrong,
A Public Official's Expressing Faith Does Not
Necessarily Combine Church and State

Stem Cell Research and Sacrifice for Others: the Inconsistency of the Conservative View (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Anatomy of a Tax Increase Defeat in Alabama

Time Space Analogy (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Why I Believe I Find Ice Hockey and Soccer Boring to Watch

Law and Order and Morality

Educational Aspects of House (the TV program)

Moral Looting in the Aftermath of Disasters
The Concept of Winning (Championships) in Sports 

Subject Matter Teaching:

Study Help

Teaching Math to Young Children

Teaching Young Children Number Relationships and Patterns

Introducing Multiplication

Multiplication Shortcuts, Tricks, and Explanations

Counting By Not Counting

Reading As Children Do

The Number of Letters in the English Alphabet

Understanding Algebra 

Algebra I Supplemental Preface

Math "Rate" Problems 

Constructing Counter Dilemmas From Dilemmas

E-Mail Introduction to Philosophy

The Theban Plays of Sophocles

Writing College Papers and Exam Answers

Preparing College Reading Assignments

A Loose Introduction to Reading Plato

Uses and Importance of Hyperlinks

Writing Rhyming Poetry Without Talent

The Power and Purpose of Poetry in Prose

Teaching Literary Style

Explanations and Pseudo-Explanations in Science

Math, Science,  Knowledge, and Nature

Shedding Light on Time: Learning and Teaching Difficult Concepts

Why Graphs of Equations in the Form 
Y = aX + b Turn Out To Be Linear (i.e., Straight Lines)

More About Fractions Than Anyone Needs to Know

Teaching "Quantity" Fractions

The Concept of the Mole in Chemistry -- Why It Works, and Why It Is Important

Stoichiometry Stuff in Chemistry

Squaring Numbers Which End in 5

Selected Passages from Jane Austen

Strategy in Tennis (Particularly Doubles) 

The World of Group E-Mail

Philosophy of Education Writings:

The Socratic Method: Teaching by Questions 

Teaching Effectively: Helping Students Absorb and 
Assimilate Material

Unfair Bad Rap on Remote Learning

Online Versus Onground Teaching (Word document) (HTML Webpage)

Getting Schools Back to Normal During or After the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Good Enough

Logic and Ethics: The Harm of Logical Disability

Understanding and Teaching Place-Value

Teaching Place-Value Using 'Color Value

Teaching Young Children Number Relationships and Patterns

Between Parent and Institution

To Parents Trying to Improve Schools

The Concept of Teaching "To" the Test

More About Evaluations: Follow-Up to "The Concept of Teaching 'To' the Test"

Equal "Opportunity" To Learn

Desirable School Curriculum

Suspension and Expulsion from Schools

Formal Systems Need Discretionary Mechanisms

Unfairness of the College Board SATs

The Immorality of Giving Tests for Grades in Teaching

So-Called "Subjective" and "Objective" Grading

Using Questions to Teach Better

Pet Peeve: Students Who Say "I Don't Know What You Are Looking For"

A Common, but Terrible, Mistake in Teaching Math and Science 

"Explaining" Math Poorly

Testing Reading

Fostering Insights and Understanding Through Teaching

Teaching Science and Literature

Mislabeling "Highly Qualified" Teachers

A Critique of Darling-Hammond's Critique of Teach for America (Word doc) (HTML Webpage)

Teaching Logic and Abstract Thinking to Third Graders?

Having Understanding Versus Knowing Correct Explanations

Insight, Inspiration, Logic, and Learning

Understanding, Shallow Thinking, and Schools

Learning in a Classroom

"Thinking" Is Most Difficult for Supposedly Best Students

Understanding "Understanding": What It Means to "Understand" Something 

Moral and Spiritual Values & (Public) Schools 

The Problem With Teaching Through Bribery and Coercion

The Point of Studying Ethics 

Doing Ethics: Rational and Creative Thinking

Neither Requiring a Business Ethics Course Nor Teaching Ethics
‘Across the Business Curriculum’ Will Significantly Reduce
Business Ethics Crises or Scandals (HTML Webpage)
(Word Document)

The Uses of Philosophy In Today's World 

Making the Most of Your University Courses;  What to Expect Academically at College

Evaluating Students, Teachers, and Student Teachers

Evaluating Teachers by Video Tape Lessons and Portfolios

Methodology vs Content in Teaching

 Schools Are Not Places of Education

Typical School Curriculum and Instruction
Are Too Narrow and Wasteful

Adopting a Kidnapper's Creed for Education:
No Child Left Behind

Incidental Institutional Bias

A Proposal to Fund Education Better Without 
Increasing Taxes or Having a Lottery 

Student Violence

The Alabama  High School Curriculum and Exit Exam -- comments about the curriculum apply to schools in other states as well. 

Summer Renaissance Program Proposal

Computers Versus Books and Paper in Schools?

         Further Examples and an Exception to the Above "Computers Versus Books..."

Significant Differences Between Writing and Talking; Why Talking Seems Easier

          A Corollary to the Above: Some Differences Between Reading and Listening

About Simplifying Teaching Theories

Bogus "Critical Thinking" Teaching Strategies

Learning Styles?

Raising Kids Jewish (not to be confused
with raising Jewish kids)

A Case Against Government Awards of Recognition (Particularly by Schools)

[Many of these same essays, organized in an online book format with an Introduction]

Photos Set to Poetry and Music

Poetry Set to Photography and Music (Slide Shows)


To contact me, e-mail: or call (205) 223-0270.  An informal resume is at
The essays, booklets, and books listed here are all online free, so that those who cannot afford them can still have access to them, and so that no one has to pay before they read something that might not be what they really are seeking.  But if you read something here that you find meaningful and helpful and would like to contribute whatever easily affordable amount you feel it is worth, I will appreciate it. The button to the right will take you to PayPal where you can securely make any size donation you wish, using either your PayPal account or a credit card without a PayPal account.



To contact me, e-mail: or call (205) 223-0270.  An informal resume is at
The essays, booklets, and books listed here are all online free, so that those who cannot afford them can still have access to them, and so that no one has to pay before they read something that might not be what they really are seeking.  But if you read something here that you find meaningful and helpful and would like to contribute whatever easily affordable amount you feel it is worth, I will appreciate it. The button to the right will take you to PayPal where you can make any size donation you wish, using either your PayPal account or a credit card without a PayPal account.